Path 11 Productions

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058 Creating Heaven on Earth with Chris Attwood

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Chris Attwood is co-author of the New York Times bestsellers,ThePassion Test – The Effortless Path to Discovering Your LifePurpose,and Your Hidden Riches - Unleashing the Power of Ritual toCreate aLife of Meaning and Purpose. With his business partner andex-wife,Janet Bray Attwood, he has built a global brand with over1,500Passion Test facilitators in more than 60 countries.

Over the past 30 years, Chris has been CEO or senior executiveoffifteen companies including a secondary dealer ingovernmentsecurities, a software development company, a magazinepublishingcompany, an international recruiting company, and asoftwareusability company for which he sold millions of dollarsinconsulting and training services to companies like FordMotorCompany, Dell Computer, Sprint, Royal Bank of Canada, MellonBankand others.

After resigning as President of a government securities dealerinthe early 1980s, Chris took 10 years for his own innerdevelopment,spending 8-10 hours a day in deep meditation. Duringthis time heextensively studied the Vedic literature of India andthefunctioning of human consciousness.

During the past ten years Chris has become one of theleadingfigures in the transformational industry, having puttogether someof the major strategic alliances in this industry,including hiskey role in arranging 70% of the interviews for thebook and moviephenomenon, The Secret, which has been viewed by anestimated 200million people, and sold over 20 million booksworldwide. Chris isa founding member of the TransformationalLeadership Councilcreated by Jack Canfield.



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